DASSH One-Day Conference

Our next DASSH Conference takes place on Friday 8th November 2024 at Birkbeck, University of London.

Details of the programme are below. The event is fully booked but look out for our upcoming series of seminars, the first of which is in December.

09.30 – 9.45Registration / Tea & Coffee  
09.45- 10.00Welcome from Chair of DASSH-UK  
10.00 – 11.00    Julian Knowles, Executive Dean, Faculty of Arts and Design University of Canberra | Australia An International Perspective.  A view from abroad on the viability of social sciences and humanities, and approaches taken to ensure sustainability of subject areas through innovation across teaching, marketing and attracting international students.  
11.00 – 12.00DASSH Themed Discussions Workshop to brainstorm themes and action plans for areas of interest to DASSH members: buddy system, mentoring, recruitment, career management, REF, TEF, making subject cases for senior management.  
12.00 – 13.00Lunch 12.30-13.00 DASSHUK AGM
13.00 – 14.00Vivienne Stern MBE, Chief Executive, Universities UK Sector Update: What is the direction of travel for arts, humanities and social science higher education. Are student numbers sustainable and what are the new government’s priorities?  
14.15 – 15.45Resilience in Leadership Facilitated Workshop led by Professor Louisa Huxtable Thomas: Best practice for dealing with management pressureSharing ideas and approaches to managing and leading our facultiesManaging underperformance in challenging timesDealing with staff morale
15.45 – 16.00Closing remarks

DASSH comes to London

Following our successful one-day conference last May, DASSH is holding its next event on Friday November 8th at Birkbeck, University of London. Our one-day conference, which is fully booked, will bring together colleagues from across the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities to hear from key speakers, such as Vivienne Stern, Chief Executive of UUK, and Professor Julian Knowles, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Design, at the University of Canberra, who will bring an international perspective.

In addition, colleagues will have the chance to join facilitated discussion groups on Resilience in Leadership and discuss what other initiatives and events DASSH can organise for its members.

Our next event will be an online seminar, in collaboration with Green Park recruitment, about the HE job market, the experience of working with recruiting agencies and the process of applying through them.

To find out more about membership of DASSH contact the Chair, Dr Matthew Day, on m.day@derby.ac.uk